

xtractl controls xtraplatform applications like ldproxyopen in new window and XtraServer Web API.

It provides control over certain parts of the running application
that would otherwise require a restart.


      --help          show help
  -h, --host string   host to connect to (default "localhost")
  -p, --port int      port to connect to (default 7081)
  -v, --verbose       verbose output

See Also

xtractl entity

Control entities


  -t, --types strings   restrict entity types (either "*", a single type or a comma separated list) (default [*])

Options inherited from parent commands

      --help          show help
  -h, --host string   host to connect to (default "localhost")
  -p, --port int      port to connect to (default 7081)
  -v, --verbose       verbose output

See Also

xtractl entity ls

List entities

xtractl entity ls [flags]


xtractl entity ls
xtractl entity ls -t services


  -j, --json            enable JSON output
  -n, --no-colors       disable colored output
  -t, --types strings   restrict entity types (either "*", a single type or a comma separated list) (default [*])

Options inherited from parent commands

      --help          show help
  -h, --host string   host to connect to (default "localhost")
  -p, --port int      port to connect to (default 7081)
  -v, --verbose       verbose output

See Also

xtractl entity reload

Reload entity configuration

Reload entity configuration

Rereads all configuration files that are relevant for the given entities.
If effective changes to an entity configuration are detected, the entity is reloaded.
Beware that erroneous configuration files will stop the affected entities.

xtractl entity reload ids... [flags]


xtractl entity reload "*" -t services
xtractl entity reload id1
xtractl entity reload id1,id2


  -t, --types strings   restrict entity types (either "*", a single type or a comma separated list) (default [*])

Options inherited from parent commands

      --help          show help
  -h, --host string   host to connect to (default "localhost")
  -p, --port int      port to connect to (default 7081)
  -v, --verbose       verbose output

See Also

xtractl log

Control logging

Options inherited from parent commands

      --help          show help
  -h, --host string   host to connect to (default "localhost")
  -p, --port int      port to connect to (default 7081)
  -v, --verbose       verbose output

See Also

xtractl log filter

Switch the log filters

xtractl log filter filters... [flags]


xtractl log filter sqlQueries,sqlResults
xtractl log filter "*" --disable


  -d, --disable   disable filters, the default is to enable listed filters

Options inherited from parent commands

      --help          show help
  -h, --host string   host to connect to (default "localhost")
  -p, --port int      port to connect to (default 7081)
  -v, --verbose       verbose output

See Also

xtractl log level

Change the log level

xtractl log level newLevel [flags]


xtractl log level DEBUG

Options inherited from parent commands

      --help          show help
  -h, --host string   host to connect to (default "localhost")
  -p, --port int      port to connect to (default 7081)
  -v, --verbose       verbose output

See Also

xtractl log status

Show log status

xtractl log status [flags]


  -j, --json        enable JSON output
  -n, --no-colors   disable colored output

Options inherited from parent commands

      --help          show help
  -h, --host string   host to connect to (default "localhost")
  -p, --port int      port to connect to (default 7081)
  -v, --verbose       verbose output

See Also

xtractl tiles

Manage tiles

Options inherited from parent commands

      --help          show help
  -h, --host string   host to connect to (default "localhost")
  -p, --port int      port to connect to (default 7081)
  -v, --verbose       verbose output

See Also

xtractl tiles purge-cache

Purge tile cache

Purge tile cache

Deletes all tiles from the cache for the given api.
Only a subset of tiles can be deleted by using the optional parameters for the collection, the tile matrix set and the WGS84 bounding box.

xtractl tiles purge-cache id [flags]


xtractl tiles purge-cache api1 -c collection3 --tms WebMercatorQuad --bbox 8,49,9,50
xtractl tiles purge-cache api2 --bbox 8,49,9,50
xtractl tiles purge-cache api3


  -b, --bbox strings        WGS84 bounding box that should be purged
  -c, --collection string   id of collection that should be purged
  -t, --tms string          id of tile matrix set that should be purged

Options inherited from parent commands

      --help          show help
  -h, --host string   host to connect to (default "localhost")
  -p, --port int      port to connect to (default 7081)
  -v, --verbose       verbose output

See Also