
Docker images for ldproxy are available on Docker Hubopen in new window.


For this guide, you will need an installation of Docker. Docker is available for Linux, Windows and Mac. You will find detailed installation guides for each platform hereopen in new window.

Installing and starting ldproxy

To install ldproxy, just run the following command on a machine with Docker installed:

docker run --name ldproxy -d -p 7080:7080 -v ~/ldproxy_data:/data iide/ldproxy:latest

This will download the latest stable ldproxy image, deploy it as a new container, make the web application available at port 7080 and save the application data in your home directory.

To check that the docker process is running, use

docker ps

which should return something similar to

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                 COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                    NAMES
62db022d9bee        iide/ldproxy:latest   "/ldproxy/bin/ldproxy"   16 minutes ago      Up 16 minutes>7080/tcp   ldproxy

Check that ldproxy is running by opening the URI http://localhost:7080/open in new window in a web browser, which should open the API catalog page (with no API).

If ldproxy is not responding, consult the log with docker logs ldproxy.