Features - HTMLspecstableimplmature
Encode features as HTML.
Conformance Classes
Features HTML implements all requirements of conformance class HTML of OGC API - Features - Part 1: Core 1.0 for the two mentioned resources.
Name | Default | Description | Type | Since |
buildingBlock | Always FEATURES_HTML . | string | v2.0 | |
enabled | true | Enable the building block? | boolean | v2.0 |
mapPosition | AUTO | Can be TOP , RIGHT or AUTO . AUTO is the default, it chooses TOP when any nested objects are found and RIGHT otherwise. | string | v2.0 |
featureTitleTemplate | {{id}} | Define how the feature label for HTML is formed. Default is the feature id. Property names in double curly braces will be replaced with the corresponding value. | string | v2.0 |
transformations | {} | Optional transformations for feature properties for HTML, see transformations. | object | v2.0 |
mapClientType | MAP_LIBRE | The map client library to use to display features in the HTML representation. The default is MapLibre GL ( MAP_LIBRE ). Cesium (CESIUM ) can be used for displaying 3D features on a globe, if Features - glTF is enabled. | string | v2.0 |
style | DEFAULT | An optional style in the style repository to use for the map in the HTML representation of a feature or feature collection. The style should render all data. If set to DEFAULT , the defaultStyle configured in the HTML building block is used. If the map client is MapLibre, the style must be available in the Mapbox format. If the style is set to NONE , a simple wireframe style will be used with OpenStreetMap as a basemap. If the map client is Cesium, the style must be available in the 3D Tiles format. If the style is set to NONE , the standard 3D Tiles styling is used. | string | v2.0 |
removeZoomLevelConstraints | false | If true , any minzoom or maxzoom members are removed from the GeoJSON layers. The value is ignored, if the map client is not MapLibre or style is NONE . | boolean | v2.0 |
geometryProperties | [] | This option works only for CesiumJS as map client. By default, the geometry identified in the provider as PRIMARY_GEOMETRY is used for representation on the map. This option allows multiple geometry properties to be specified in a list. The first geometry property set for a feature will be used. | array | v2.0 |
maximumPageSize | null | This option can be used to set a custom maximum value for the limit parameter for the HTML output. If no value is specified, the value from the Features Core building block applies. When using CesiumJS as a map client, a value of 100 is recommended. | number | v2.0 |
propertyTooltips | true | If true , on the single item page any property that has a description in the provider schema will get an info icon with the description as a tooltip. | boolean | v2.0 |
propertyTooltipsOnItems | false | If true , on the items page any property that has a description in the provider schema will get an info icon with the description in a tooltip. | boolean | v2.0 |
Example of the specifications in the configuration file for the entire API (from the API for Topographic Data in Daraa, Syria):
- buildingBlock: FEATURES_HTML
enabled: true
style: 'topographic-with-basemap'
Example of the specifications in the configuration file for a feature collection:
- buildingBlock: FEATURES_HTML
itemLabelFormat: '{{ZI005_FNA}}'
codelist: f_code
dateFormat: MM/dd/yyyy[', 'HH:mm:ss[' 'z]]
codelist: rty
codelist: fcsubtype
codelist: trs
codelist: roi
codelist: wtc
codelist: rle
codelist: loc
Example of using CesiumJS for building data that is partially composed of building components. The floor slab is used as a fallback:
- buildingBlock: FEATURES_HTML
mapClientType: CESIUM
- consistsOfBuildingPart.lod1Solid
- lod1Solid
- lod1GroundSurface