

xtracfg provides tools to manage configurations for xtraplatform applications like ldproxyopen in new window and XtraServer Web API.


  -s, --src string      store source (default "./")
  -d, --driver string   store source driver; currently the only option is FS (default "FS")
      --help            show help
  -v, --verbose         verbose output

See Also

xtracfg check

Check the store source

Check the store source
Executes all subcommands in order, see the subcommand help for details.

xtracfg check [flags]


  -r, --ignore-redundant   ignore redundant settings

Options inherited from parent commands

  -d, --driver string   store source driver; currently the only option is FS (default "FS")
      --help            show help
  -s, --src string      store source (default "./")
  -v, --verbose         verbose output

See Also

xtracfg check entities

Check entities in the store source

Checks entity configurations for deprecated, unknown and redundant settings.
To check only a single entity, pass the path to the file relative to the source as argument.

xtracfg check entities [path] [flags]


xtracfg check entities -v -r
xtracfg check entities -v -r store/entities/services/api.yml

Options inherited from parent commands

  -d, --driver string      store source driver; currently the only option is FS (default "FS")
      --help               show help
  -r, --ignore-redundant   ignore redundant settings
  -s, --src string         store source (default "./")
  -v, --verbose            verbose output

See Also

xtracfg check layout

Check layout of the store source

Checks for a deprecated directory layout.

xtracfg check layout [flags]

Options inherited from parent commands

  -d, --driver string      store source driver; currently the only option is FS (default "FS")
      --help               show help
  -r, --ignore-redundant   ignore redundant settings
  -s, --src string         store source (default "./")
  -v, --verbose            verbose output

See Also

xtracfg info

Print info about the store source

xtracfg info [flags]

Options inherited from parent commands

  -d, --driver string   store source driver; currently the only option is FS (default "FS")
      --help            show help
  -s, --src string      store source (default "./")
  -v, --verbose         verbose output

See Also

xtracfg upgrade

Upgrade the store source

Upgrade the store source
Executes all subcommands in order, see the subcommand help for details.
No changes are made without confirmation (unless --yes is set).

xtracfg upgrade [flags]


  -b, --backup             backup files before upgrading
  -f, --force              upgrade files even if there are no detected issues; useful to harmonize yaml details like quoting and property order
  -r, --ignore-redundant   keep reduntant settings instead of deleting them
  -y, --yes                do not ask for confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

  -d, --driver string   store source driver; currently the only option is FS (default "FS")
      --help            show help
  -s, --src string      store source (default "./")
  -v, --verbose         verbose output

See Also

xtracfg upgrade entities

Upgrade entities in the store source

Upgrades entity configurations with deprecated, unknown and redundant settings.
To upgrade only a single entity, pass the path to the file relative to the source as argument.
No changes are made without confirmation (unless --yes is set).

xtracfg upgrade entities [path] [flags]


xtracfg upgrade entities -v -r
xtracfg upgrade entities -v -r store/entities/services/api.yml

Options inherited from parent commands

  -b, --backup             backup files before upgrading
  -d, --driver string      store source driver; currently the only option is FS (default "FS")
  -f, --force              upgrade files even if there are no detected issues; useful to harmonize yaml details like quoting and property order
      --help               show help
  -r, --ignore-redundant   keep reduntant settings instead of deleting them
  -s, --src string         store source (default "./")
  -v, --verbose            verbose output
  -y, --yes                do not ask for confirmation

See Also

xtracfg upgrade layout

Upgrade layout of the store source

Upgrades a deprecated directory layout.
No changes are made without confirmation (unless --yes is set).

xtracfg upgrade layout [flags]

Options inherited from parent commands

  -b, --backup             backup files before upgrading
  -d, --driver string      store source driver; currently the only option is FS (default "FS")
  -f, --force              upgrade files even if there are no detected issues; useful to harmonize yaml details like quoting and property order
      --help               show help
  -r, --ignore-redundant   keep reduntant settings instead of deleting them
  -s, --src string         store source (default "./")
  -v, --verbose            verbose output
  -y, --yes                do not ask for confirmation

See Also